Oglins in space, the journey continues….

space starring

The crew are ready for blast off, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6……

space lift off

Wow!! The Oglins are in space. Zoom Zoom Zoom, there going to the moon….

space flyingPhew, all this space travel is hungry work, so lets eat.

A space picnic is a very messy picnic indeed, but what fun!

I would like to have a floating picnic too – wouldn’t you?

space picnic 1After all that food the Oglins, are ready for a Space Walk – on the Moon!!!!.

space walk

What a very busy day the Oglins have had, but now there space adventure is coming to an end.


The little rocket zooms around the moon one last time, (just for good measure)….

space home

Then their homeward bound, and just in time for supper too- Peaches and Cream, delicious.

The End

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