We have some very exciting news!!

The Oglins and I have been away for a little while, on a jolly holiday you might say,

a very Jolly holiday
a very Jolly holiday indeed.

but now were back we have exciting news to share.

On the 31st of May 2014 we will be launching our very own ‘Oglins’ shop via Etsy, so everyone can have their very own little bit of Oglin lovleyness.

As you can imagine we are very busy preparing for our big day. Here are just a few of the prints that we will be using to turn all manor of everyday things, into something a little more magical:

Bipins Journal and his own range of seeds - to keep your garden looking lovely.
Bipins Journal and his own range of seeds – to keep your garden looking lovely.
Eedys note book, and treasure hunting kit, because you never know what you'll find once you start looking.
Eedys note book, and treasure hunting kit, because you never know what you’ll find once you start looking.

Eedy treasure shelves

Gurties Recipe Journal, for keeping safe all your favorite recipes
Gurties Recipe Journal, for keeping safe all your favorite recipes
Gurties Tea Towel
and Gurties very own Tea Towel – drying the dishes has never been more fun


Moe's very pretty badges, and wrapping paper
Moe’s very pretty badges, and wrapping paper
Another Moe Bodge
Another Moe Bodge  – for brightening up rainy days.
Oglins, Oglins everywhere!!  There soon will be, once this print is made into a pretty fabric for making lots of pretty things.
Oglins, Oglins everywhere!!
Yes there soon will be, once this print is made into a pretty fabric for making lots of pretty things.
Who loves sweets? Me - especially the penny kind.
Who loves sweets?
                                                            Me – especially the penny kind.
More penny sweets! This print will be on the sweet bags -
More penny sweets! This print will be on the sweet bags.
Yes somewhere out there summer is slowly making its way towards us, so what better way to feel summery than this jolly seaside holiday print.
Yes somewhere out there summer is slowly making its way towards us, so what better way to feel summery than this jolly seaside holiday print. What do you like to do beside the seaside?
And here's another one, just in case you want to really get into the sun shine mood.
And here’s another one, just in case you want to really get into the sun shine mood.


As you can see, we have been very, very busy and there’s still lots more to do!!!

So from this week on-wards we will be updating you every week with our new design, ideas and shop gossip. Then from May we will be counting down the weeks, days and hours until the shop goes lives, whilst in between having lots of fun with special offers, goodie bags and competitions – Hurrah!!

Follow us on Twitter, to keep up to date with all our developments

Toodle pip, for now xx




2 thoughts on “We have some very exciting news!!


    CANT WAIT TO SHOP!!!!!!!’

    Love auntie sue

    Sent from my iPad


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