The Season of Change has begun..

Autumn, is my most favorite season.Its often seen as the beginning of natures decline before the Winter fully digs its heels in, but for me its much more about new beginnings.  After the activity of Summer and before the madness of Christmas, Autumn brings a different kind of pace where I can slow down take stock and re-evaluate a few things. Much like shedding the weight of heavy unwanted  leaves.

The first of these leaves has been my old website, which wasn’t really doing me a great deal of justice illustration wise or was even that interesting. I have been making quite a few changes and I hope you are enjoying the new look as much as I am. I want my site to be personal and a true reflection of myself.

Walk in the woods - Autumn
Walk in the woods – Autumn

On another note,  I am moving home – this Friday to be precise. Its a strange time as we make the transition from one house to another. Pack things up, throw things out, but more than that, I have been excavating the past , which has helped me to make some bigger decisions about my future, where I want to go, how I’m going to get there and inspired lots of my recent illustrations. Yes, I thoroughly recommend moving home to get you thinking, unfortunately it is quite stressful, but I have found solace as always in my art, which makes me feel quite fortunate to have such a fab escape route.

So ,its off to the new house we go to begin again both seasonally and personally. Don’t know why, but I really feel liking making some bread as soon as I get in , (which I haven’t done in ages) to fill the house with a smell of comforting lovelyness, is to make our house a home.

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