Because I’m self taught, does that mean I’m not an artist?

This question has plagued my creative life. Sometimes its just a fleeting thought, other times its a loud nagging unhelpful voice in my head as I set to work on something new, or just before I submit work.

There are plenty of self taught artist/illustrators out there who are very successful, Edward Ardizzone, Maurice Sendrick , Petra Mathers, to name but a few.

So, if i have these great role models, who more or less prove that having an actual qualification needn’t matter. Then why do i feel as if I do? Is it just me?

Speaking to other artist of all different genres, it would it appear that it isn’t just me. We all have a crisis of confidence at times whether we have studied in our creative profession or not, whether we are successful or not. So lets makes this clear – I have some excellent self taught illustrator role models, and know that any artist trained or not can feel at times exactly the same way as me. But what about agents and publishers, what will they think? I asked a publisher this very thing recently and this is what they said ‘It really wouldn’t matter at all. If they like the work they like the work, and are not going to turn you down just because you are self taught’ So Far so Good.

Then I realised the biggest problem I have with being self taught is the problem I’ve created. I lack confidence and really struggle with not knowing whether my work is actually any good or not . I fear I am deluded and my work is utter rubbish. I create something, I like it, but do I dare show to anyone else? Why do I need there approval anyway! It is nice to get a few likes but in the end if I like it who cares right?

Me. I care.

And there’s my answer. It ins’t about whether I am self taught, what publishers think or qualifications. It’s about belief and confidence. If I believe I am an artist then I am one, self taught , half taught or fully trained up to my eyes. It’s all state of mind and with that in mind I will embrace my work and let it speak for itself, I shall be brave and fear less and if that doesn’t make me an artist then I don’t know what will.

3 thoughts on “Because I’m self taught, does that mean I’m not an artist?

  1. I’m so impressed with your work. It shines a bright light into even the darkest days. So what if you’re self-taught? That makes you even more awesome in my book! Please don’t doubt yourself; just carry on with your beautiful, whimsical drawings, sharing those lovely little people with your fans.

  2. I’m so impressed with your work. It shines a bright light into even the darkest days. So what if you’re self-taught? That makes you even more awesome in my book! Please don’t doubt yourself; just carry on with your beautiful, whimsical drawings, sharing those lovely little people with your fans.

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