Peggy and Curly say ‘Hello’

Its not secret that I love paper dolls,  such a versatile little craft product.

From an A4 sheet you can create a whole new world – whats not to like. I am always creating characters and worlds but to be able to hold them in your hand and dress them and take them with you was something that I naturally progressed to and Peggy and Curly became my perfect companions with paper dolls being my go to format. They really are more than just a dress up doll they are friends – best friends, and we get to join them on their many outings and adventures.

In time I want to add more narrative to the A4 sheets so they do read more like a story with each sheet being a new tale to collect, I would like to add more little fold out items or pop ups too – such as the map on the Camping doll.

Here are are the finished results thus far.

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Would love any feedback you may have or where you would like Peggy and Curly to go next.

Charlotte x

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