
I am a illustrator from Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Everyday things from my childhood inspire me the most, like shopping trips, birthday parties, building dens and days out at the seaside. Sometimes just a familiar sound, smell or object can inspire a whole world of pictures in my head, that i just have to draw. I love to create my own little worlds full of fun, adventure with sentiment, but with out being sentimental – a dash of nostalgia and humor go a long way too.

I like to think there is always something new to discover and I am never short of ideas. Through my own 2 children I get to peek into their worlds and find new adventures.

Me & My little people

When I’m not creating I like to rummage around the children book section at Salts Mill -Bradford, ( I have a lovely collection of picture books new & old) bake cakes (which i dutifully scoff)  and am soon begin work on our new little allotment. I also like vintage fairs and train journeys.

Hope you enjoy looking at my work. Please feel free to get in touch. Details on the contact page.

All images are copyrighted to Charlotte Dyton

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