We have lift off!

Here are 4 sample cards which will feature i the forth coming collection, we are so excited

Moe the Squaw, one of our favorite prints
Moe the Squaw, one of our favorite prints
and here is the print again in a tiled format. I may just have to send these to myself, i love them.
and here is the print again in a tiled format. I may just have to send these to myself, i love them.
Next up we have 6 bouncing Oglins and  more Narrative card.
Next up we have 6 bouncing Oglins and more Narrative card.

Next up future card prints – The Oglins wanted to try something a little different.

These black and white prints are very chic, we love colour but its nice to have choice of both. Love the vintage feel of these as well
These black and white prints are very chic, we love colour but its nice to have choice of both. Love the vintage feel of these as well
Bobins note book front cover, may add a few more magic tricks to this illustration. It is a work in progress
Bobins note book front cover, may add a few more magic tricks to this illustration. It is a work in progress
Party invitations- We have been wanting to create a party selection for a while now, because Oglins just love parties -and this is just perfect.
Party invitations- We have been wanting to create a party selection for a while now, because Oglins just love parties -and this is just perfect.

Catch up with us next Friday for more Oglin news and developments, or you can follow us on Twitter and see updates every day -Yipeeee!

Ta- Tar for now xx

Oglin Suprise…

This week the Oglins & I have been working on illustrations for our brand new story..

Here are pages 3 & 4

BOOK Moe 1



Pages 5 & 6

Bobin magic  3





and finally pages 9 & 10

Gurtie kitchen (2)


This is a work in progress & will be made into  final book- Yipeeee!!

Oglins in space, the journey continues….

space starring

The crew are ready for blast off, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6……

space lift off

Wow!! The Oglins are in space. Zoom Zoom Zoom, there going to the moon….

space flyingPhew, all this space travel is hungry work, so lets eat.

A space picnic is a very messy picnic indeed, but what fun!

I would like to have a floating picnic too – wouldn’t you?

space picnic 1After all that food the Oglins, are ready for a Space Walk – on the Moon!!!!.

space walk

What a very busy day the Oglins have had, but now there space adventure is coming to an end.


The little rocket zooms around the moon one last time, (just for good measure)….

space home

Then their homeward bound, and just in time for supper too- Peaches and Cream, delicious.

The End

A new Oglin adventure is about to begin…

So where shall we start? At the beginning of course

train 2

The train station.

Looks like the Oglins are running a little late, (again- Oglins are not very good at being on time) but Gurtie has the right idea, hurry Oglins, hurry….

train 3a

Ahh they made it!! With minutes to spare.

Theirs even time for a sweet. Why thank you very much Gurtie, you do think of everything..

train 1

Off they go!! Where to? Only the Oglins know….

Jam sandwich Eedy? -I think we all know the answer to that question.

Lots of Oglin goodies

Wrapping paper

IMG_0532 IMG_0534                                                What a pretty pile of presents

The Oglins have also been making lots of little Easter cards too,

IMG_0547                                     I think a Spring party might be on the way


For world book day, the Oglins have been making little note  books, so they can write their own stories

