How it all began…

I have just set up a new Blog site , so in honor of this I thought I would explain a little about how my Oglins came to be.

I was having a pretty rubbish time personally so had begun to be more creative again as a way of escape. It all was part of my grand scheme to try to rediscover myself underneath the layers of submissiveness and difficulties life had brought me. Somewhere along the way I had lost my artist self and I was trying to find her/it again.

Anyway, many bad drawings followed along with half baked ideas and stories that I got bored of as quickly as I thought them up, then one night I had a dream – stay with me here people I’m not about to get all crazy, but I had a dream I was in huge street parade. I was chasing this massive balloon. I don’t know why? but I needed to catch it in order to give it back to someone. There was also another person, a man chasing after the balloon too. Anyway I caught the balloon first, gave it to this family then all fireworks, streamers and confetti rained down on us. When I woke up I still had the image of this balloon in my head as clear as day and this is what it looked like.

Oglins sketch book3


Hmm, I thought what is this? This is different. Not drawn this before, and I immediately wanted to draw more, ideas flooded in and quite quickly I had created this whole world on an Island called Ogin. I gave all my characters names and they all had different personalities. I had finally created the type of world I longed to discover, I suppose it had always been there just waiting to be found.

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So after lots of drawing, making up strange words, hating it & loving it. I decided to let others see my work too. That’s why I started this blog and took my first little steps onto twitter. The response was lovely, so supportive. I thought I would be trolled after 5 mins and I would have to scurry back to the safety of my kitchen table, but it wasn’t the case.

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I embraced the Oglins whole heartedly  and so did others but something just wouldn’t let them just be them selves I kept trying to fit them into all manor of guises (cards, purses, bags etc…) rather than just let them live on the Island as I had planned. Everything suddenly felt silly, what if people didn’t like it? I didn’t feel brave enough to be myself or let them be themselves.

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But now I’m feeling brave, so brave I’ve started a whole new blog all about Ogin Island the people who live there and everything in between. I’ve packed away my purses and greetings cards just for the time being and I’m letting the Oglins live as nature intended. Which is a bit like how I feel about myself now. I like and accept myself again and I am happy being who I am, just  as nature intended.

oglins website 1


2 More Days eek! #Oglinstakeover

Hello, things have settled down a bit now at Oglins HQ as we get to grips more and more everyday with the setting up of the Etsy shop. We been busy adding the ‘General/Any Occasion Range’ – here is a flavour of whats on offer!

A lovely card for a lovely cook or baker.  Here are all the things needed to make the best cake ever
A lovely card for a lovely cook or baker.
Here are all the things needed to make the best cake ever.
Another popular print, the Oglins are haveing a Milkshake at there favourite shake bar 'Milky & Me'
Another popular print, the Oglins are enjoying a Milkshake at there favourite shake bar ‘Milky & Me’.
Just in case you didnt know eher are the Oglins, these are their names. This is the perefct family photo.
Just in case you didn’t know here are the Oglins, these are their names.
This is the perfect family photo.
One of my favourite and most popular prints. Just looking at it make me want to dash to the nearest sweet shop.
One of my favourite and most popular prints.
Just looking at it make me want to dash to the nearest sweet shop.


Another very special one off print, that will not be made into a card or no book but will only be available as a signed & dated print.
Another very special one off print, that will not be made into a card or no book but will only be available as a signed & dated print.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Back tomorrow with our final update before we open the doors of our Etsy store – Exciting times! x

#Oglinstakeover 3 more days to go

Ahh, things have been a little less stressful today, so much so that we have been able to get some new illustrations done, but more about that later – First let me show you some of the pictures from the delightful ‘At Play’ range.

One of my personal favourite's. See the little Oglins watch them bounce bounce bounce.  This cant help but make you smile.
One of my personal favorite’s.
See the little Oglins watch them bounce bounce bounce.
This illustration cant help but make you smile.
I love this one.  Bipin looks to be getting really into the Maraca shaking as does Eedy on the trumpet, toot toot. What a noisy racket they must all be making!
I love this one too – The Marching Band
Bipin looks to be getting really into the Maraca shaking as does Eedy on the trumpet, toot toot.
What a noisy racket they must all be making!
Such a tense game, no matter how slowly you try to pull the plastic rods out, the clatter of the marbles falling to the bottom still puts me on edge. Bobin looks more worried than Moe.
Such a tense game, no matter how slowly you try to pull the plastic rods out, the clatter of the marbles falling to the bottom still puts me on edge. Bobin looks more worried than Moe.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

And now for something a little bit different –

We wanted to create something special, so we designed 4 very fabulous one off prints, they will not be made into cards or note books and will only be available as prints signed and dated.  

Here’s a sneaky peek at one of the prints available.

Something a little bit different - the Oglins are just trying out a new look, they don't very often, but the washers on the blink
                                                                               Bipin and Bobin play cars

More updates coming your way tomorrow, yipeee x

#Oglinstakeover day 4

So just 4 more sleeps to go until our big launch, i can safely say that behind the scene’s here at Oglins HQ, its insanely busy.

Here are some of the beautiful photographs from our Etsy shop, ready for the big day!

A super card for anyone who loves all things camper van.  Looks like they've packed everything but the kitchen sink
                                   A super card for anyone who loves all things camper van.
                                        Looks like they’ve packed everything but the kitchen sink
A fun post/not card to send when its really chucking it down on Bongnor Bay - I wont tell if you dont.
A fun post card to send when its really chucking it down on Bongnor Bay – I wont tell if you don’t.



All tucke up beneaths snuggley blankets, listening to the gentle sigh of the sea, and your feet burry deep i soft warm golden sands - Sounds serece, no wonder Bobin has fallen alseep.
All tucked up beneath snuggley blankets, listening to the gentle sigh of the sea, with your feet buried deep in soft warm golden sand – Sounds serene, no wonder Bobin has fallen asleep.                                                                                                      

Even our cello card bags get in on the action – so pretty.


Yes even the bags get a picture and quite rightly so, they are so pretty!
                             Yes even the bags get a picture and quite rightly so, they are so pretty!                                                                        

More updates and photos tomorrow as we edge ever closer to opening day! 

The count down is on #Oglinstakeover

Yes ,its only 5 more sleeps until my Etsy shop will open its doors.

Here’s a little peek at whats in store – pardon the pun!

Moe is the sweetest little Oglin I've ever met... and now here's lots of little Moe's on the cover of her very own hand bound note book- which can only be a good thing.
Moe is the sweetest little Oglin I’ve ever met…
and now here’s lots of little Moe’s on the cover of her very own hand bound note book- which can only be a good thing.


'This walk can take as long as it likes' said Gurtie.. and I quite agree.  Those are the prettiest flowers, Ive ever seen.
                                     ‘This walk can take as long as it likes’ said Gurtie..
                                                                    and I quite agree.
                                            Those are the prettiest flowers, I’ve ever seen.
Bobin is up to his usual tricks. And by that we mean Magic ones - and we could all do with a little bit magic sometimes.
                                                                     Bobin is up to his usual tricks.
                          And by that we mean Magic ones – because we could all do with a little bit magic sometimes.
I love a good book - Dont you? Bobin certainly does, and when he's busy not performing magic tricks, you'll find him busy with a book.
                                                                   I love a good book – Don’t you?
Bobin certainly does, and when he’s not busy performing magic tricks, you’ll find him busy with a book


If its the sweet stuff your after, then you are in luck! The penny sweet note card will be available to purchase, so you too will be able to send sweet nothings.
                                            If its the sweet stuff your after, then you are in luck!
The penny sweet note card will be available to purchase, so you too will be able to send sweet nothings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

More Updates and sneak previews tomorrow  # Oglins #Oglinstakeover  

Happy Birthday !!!!

The Birthday collection is here – Yipee!!

Here are the first 2 cards from my Birthday collection
                                                Here are the first 2 cards from my Birthday collection
A party just inst complete without a birthday tea - Yummy
A party just isn’t  complete without a birthday tea – Yummy
No party would be complete without these party essentials
                                         No party would be complete without these party essentials
A card from my everyday range now- Milkshakes- which one is your favorite flavour
A card from my everyday range – ‘Milkshakes’- which one is your favorite flavor
I do enjoy a game of pass the parcel. Though musical chairs is good as well
I do enjoy a game of pass the parcel. Though musical chairs is really good too
Another party addition
Another party addition
These 2 are part of my 'At Play' collection- Kerr-Plunk and Skipping
                                                   These 2 are part of my ‘At Play’ collection-
                                                                  Kerr-Plunk and Skipping
And Finally Oglin Charms, see how tiny there are compared to my the coin
And Finally Oglin Charms, see how tiny there are compared to my the coin
My Favorite Charm - Moe
My Favorite Charm – Moe
As modeled by my lovely daughter Gene
As modeled by my lovely daughter Gene
And here's another - so pretty
And here’s another – so pretty
The completed bracelet - lovely
The completed bracelet – My perfect accessory 

We have some very exciting news!!

The Oglins and I have been away for a little while, on a jolly holiday you might say,

a very Jolly holiday
a very Jolly holiday indeed.

but now were back we have exciting news to share.

On the 31st of May 2014 we will be launching our very own ‘Oglins’ shop via Etsy, so everyone can have their very own little bit of Oglin lovleyness.

As you can imagine we are very busy preparing for our big day. Here are just a few of the prints that we will be using to turn all manor of everyday things, into something a little more magical:

Bipins Journal and his own range of seeds - to keep your garden looking lovely.
Bipins Journal and his own range of seeds – to keep your garden looking lovely.
Eedys note book, and treasure hunting kit, because you never know what you'll find once you start looking.
Eedys note book, and treasure hunting kit, because you never know what you’ll find once you start looking.

Eedy treasure shelves

Gurties Recipe Journal, for keeping safe all your favorite recipes
Gurties Recipe Journal, for keeping safe all your favorite recipes
Gurties Tea Towel
and Gurties very own Tea Towel – drying the dishes has never been more fun


Moe's very pretty badges, and wrapping paper
Moe’s very pretty badges, and wrapping paper
Another Moe Bodge
Another Moe Bodge  – for brightening up rainy days.
Oglins, Oglins everywhere!!  There soon will be, once this print is made into a pretty fabric for making lots of pretty things.
Oglins, Oglins everywhere!!
Yes there soon will be, once this print is made into a pretty fabric for making lots of pretty things.
Who loves sweets? Me - especially the penny kind.
Who loves sweets?
                                                            Me – especially the penny kind.
More penny sweets! This print will be on the sweet bags -
More penny sweets! This print will be on the sweet bags.
Yes somewhere out there summer is slowly making its way towards us, so what better way to feel summery than this jolly seaside holiday print.
Yes somewhere out there summer is slowly making its way towards us, so what better way to feel summery than this jolly seaside holiday print. What do you like to do beside the seaside?
And here's another one, just in case you want to really get into the sun shine mood.
And here’s another one, just in case you want to really get into the sun shine mood.


As you can see, we have been very, very busy and there’s still lots more to do!!!

So from this week on-wards we will be updating you every week with our new design, ideas and shop gossip. Then from May we will be counting down the weeks, days and hours until the shop goes lives, whilst in between having lots of fun with special offers, goodie bags and competitions – Hurrah!!

Follow us on Twitter, to keep up to date with all our developments

Toodle pip, for now xx




Oglins in space, the journey continues….

space starring

The crew are ready for blast off, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6……

space lift off

Wow!! The Oglins are in space. Zoom Zoom Zoom, there going to the moon….

space flyingPhew, all this space travel is hungry work, so lets eat.

A space picnic is a very messy picnic indeed, but what fun!

I would like to have a floating picnic too – wouldn’t you?

space picnic 1After all that food the Oglins, are ready for a Space Walk – on the Moon!!!!.

space walk

What a very busy day the Oglins have had, but now there space adventure is coming to an end.


The little rocket zooms around the moon one last time, (just for good measure)….

space home

Then their homeward bound, and just in time for supper too- Peaches and Cream, delicious.

The End